Obtain funding and grants in three steps

Co-finance your development projects with funding and grants. Utilize public funds in 3 simple steps:

  • Determine funding requirements for your projects

  • Find the suitable funding program

  • Write a successful funding application

Determine funding requirements

Let’s talk about your funding project. Public funding is intended to reduce your development risk and make your company future-proof through innovations. The specific funding needs are determined by the research and development tasks to be performed and the project’s risk. Depending on the funding program, grants ranging from 150,000 euros to approximately 3 million euros are available. For important current tasks such as hydrogen or the decarbonization of industry, funding projects have been equipped with two to three-digit million euro amounts.

Find the suitable funding program

Our funding cockpit shows the 15 most important national and EU funding programs. This allows you to assess which program might be best suited for your innovation. Simply click on the program for more information.

The cockpit has the axes of the amount of grant that can be applied for and TRL. TRL stands for Technology Readiness Level. The TRL scale ranges from basic research (TRL 1) to the market-launched product (TRL 9). The size of the circles gives you an impression of the budget of the respective program. Blue ring: EU program, green ring: federal, red ring: federal state. Here are the Top 15 funding programs as a concise catalog.

NEW ATTENTION: 3.3 billion euros for decarbonization of your production: The BMWK has published the funding guideline “Federal Funding for Industry and Climate Protection (BIK)”. Particularly supported are medium-sized companies from the areas of basic materials industry, steel and foundry industry, glass industry, ceramics industry, paper and pulp industry, cement, lime industry, waste management. Details here

Write a successful funding application

Funding is scarce and there is strong competition. Success rates are often only 5 – 10%. We have packed our experience into three service packages. This way, you increase your chances of success to 60 – 90%. Which package suits you:

  • COMPLETE PACKAGE GRANT ACQUISITION: Complete package for obtaining funding grants without your own effort

  • CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER FUNDING: Book expertise flexibly to make your company future-proof with funded innovations

  • INNOVATION STRATEGY FUNDING: Integrate funding grants and research allowance precisely into the company


You want to successfully acquire funding grants and need a partner who knows the ropes and takes over the often labor-intensive application process with a complete package. And who ensures that the funding applications are successful.

  • Achieve high success rate: Funding programs are often very competitive with success rates of only 4-10%. With this package, the success rate of your application increases to 60-90% depending on the program.

  • Qualitative application documents: Qualitative and appealing application documents that precisely and in detail address the requirements of the respective funding program are an important success factor
  • Effectively process additional requirements: In some programs, documents can be submitted upon request from the project sponsor. We support you in a goal-oriented manner.
  • Support reporting during the project phase: We support you with training on reporting and with a consulting contingent during the project phase.


Flexibly book a (part-time) Chief Financial Officer for Funding who develops a funding strategy for your company/startup to make it future-proof with subsidized innovations and who secures the funding for upcoming and planned development projects.

  • Make companies future-proof with innovations: Your booked Chief Financial Officer Funding develops a funding strategy together with your CFO and your CTO/Head of Development to co-finance your innovations through funding grants. From prototype development to the realization of industrial production facilities with grants of several million euros.

  • Acquire funding grants with high success rate: Funding programs are often very competitive with success rates of 4-10%. Use our expertise and increase the success rate of your funding applications to 60-90% depending on the program.

  • Flexible booking model: With our flexible booking model, we provide your decision-makers with an experienced expert in a cost-effective manner until all processes are implemented and the grant funds are acquired. Temporary and as a flexibly commissioned service.

Flexibly book a (part-time) Chief Financial Officer for Funding who develops a funding strategy for your company/startup to make it future-proof with subsidized innovations and who secures the funding for upcoming and planned development projects.


Special conditions for funded participants of the EIC programs Pathfinder, Transition, Accelerator on the EIC Service Catalogue:


You want to integrate funding such as grants or research allowance for your R&D and for your plant investments into your business processes. Book our innovation strategy with a concrete roadmap, defined activities, and suitable funding programs.

  • Funding strategy for co-financing by means of research allowances and non-repayable grants.
  • Suitable funding programs: Identification of suitable funding programs for successful application of grant subsidies.

  • Implement immediately: Integrate funding in a plannable, measurable, and successful manner into financial planning and successfully acquire it.

Let’s talk about your project