The Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) is the program of choice for manageable technical innovations from SMEs that are to be developed and brought to market in 1-2 years. Not well suited for software projects.
Maximum grant per company: 168,000 – 336,000 EUR
Flat rate: Up to + 100% of personnel costs for companies, 85% for research institutions upon proof
Grant: 25-60% of costs + flat rate
Funding provider: Federal Government –> BMWK –> AiF/VDI VDE-IT
Program budget: approx. 500 million Euro per year
Funding topics: Development of innovative products, processes or technical services without restriction to specific technologies and sectors
Eligible to apply: SMEs and medium-sized companies with up to 1,000 employees
Formats: In-house (individual project), consortia (2 or more SMEs), networks (6 or more SMEs)
Application: single-stage, possible on an ongoing basis