Networks – Consortia

We create and support R&D networks, R&D consortia and research infrastructures for cross-industry innovations. These bring together innovative companies, developers and researchers.


For technology development and commercialization

Developing a new idea yourself is often important until the IP is secured. But then it is good to develop and commercialize the innovation together with suppliers and customers to adapt it perfectly to the needs of the market. We bring the right partners together and help you create a successful ecosystem. This is your secret weapon for market success.


Consortia along the value chain and innovation networks are a powerful means of technology development

Research Infrastructures

Research infrastructures provide complex and expensive measuring devices for academic research and industry. We support the future distributed European research infrastructure NanoWorldMaps in setting up the services and developing the individual nodes.

ZIM Innovation Networks

ZIM Innovation Networks are a great tool for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop solutions together. ZIM Innovation Networks supported by us as network managers: M2MLAB, iLutec or AutoRobXL.

Pre-Competitive Lighthouse Projects

DriveBattery was a pre-competitive R&D project by German automotive companies such as Daimler and VW together with suppliers and research institutions to develop traction batteries and battery management systems. Our network managers supported the consortium in proposal writing. The project was named a lighthouse project by the German government.