Top 15 funding programs2024-08-13T10:00:30+00:00

The top 15 funding programs

Here is an overview of the 15 most important German and EU funding programs. Click on the program and you will receive further information, an overview of the conditions and a link to the respective program website.

BMBF programs

DE, Prototype, Scale-up|

The BMBF regularly calls for proposals for specialist programs in specific areas. Technology companies often find interesting pre-competitive funding opportunities, for example as part of the bioeconomy ideas competition, battery research or in the[...]

EIC Pathfinder

EU, Prototype|

The EIC's Pathfinder program offers a great opportunity to develop breakthrough technologies with partners at an early stage. After successful completion, follow-up programs such as EIC Transition or EIC Accelerator can then be used[...]

You can sort the programs by categories such as: For SMEs only, Prototype, Scale-up, Commercialization, German programs, EU programs. Simply click on the appropriate category. The funding program overview shows the most relevant funding programs for companies. All German funding programs can be found in the funding database of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

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